

About Character AI

Character AI team aims to develop artificial intelligence source technology needed for the media and entertainment industry and apply to application services that can create new value, leading to commercialization.
We develop AI-based motion capture, motion analysis, and generation technologies.
By combining graphic engine and character animation technologies
We develop artificial intelligence character technology that can be applied to digital human and AI avatars.

AI Human
By combining various artificial intelligence technologies such as speech synthesis/recognition, dialogue engine, motion recognition, and motion generation, with element technology that can automate and make character animation production efficient,
We are developing solutions for creating digital characters that communicate like humans.
By improving the level of character interaction with human, we are developing solutions such as virtual avatars, digital assistants, digital companions for the services.
Motion Capture & Character Retargeting
To supplement character animation technology using expensive motion capture technology
We are developing technologies to extract AI-based postures and expressions and use them for character animation.
Furthermore, through the multimodal-based posture generation technique,
We are developing a gesture generation technique based on text or speech audio information.
Golf Swing Analysis
Using artificial intelligence-based pose estimation technology and motion analysis and recognition technologies,
We develop solutions based on AI, which provide feedback by determining the accuracy of the swing posture for golf training.
We also develop services that provide accurate information to coaches at the golf driving range and provide AI-based coaching services to trainees.