


AIRl's recommendation system is an advanced model based on deep learning algorithms and rule-based models. Through this, AIRI's aimed recommendation system is to recommend something that a particular customer (individual or organization) may like, at a certain point in time.
Based on our superior deep learning model and scoring algorithm, AIRI is applying a personalized recommendation system to customers in a variety of fields.

Data Processing and Manipulation
It extracts the elements needed for personalization from massive data in a particular field and finds data that will help making recommendations.

It manages data systematically so that it can be flexibly used as training data when a new form of data comes in.
Recommendation Model
We are developing a recommendation system based on the customer’s past behaviors and patterns, current status, and preference patterns, and through this, we can present a list that customers may want at a specific point in time.

We develop a collaborative filtering deep learning model that recommends items that similar customers may like. We develop Sequence-aware reminder system that analyzes customers' past behavior patterns to predict future patterns and recommend items based on them.
Knowledge Graph
Using knowledge graph, we can recommend items which are not in the training dataset to customers.

Cases of Application

Personalized recommendation system can recommend products and patterns that customers would want at the right time.

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    Financial products recommendation based on individual’s financial situation and consumption patterns

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    Media recommendation based on individual’s viewing tendency and viewing patterns

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    Travel destination and routes recommendation based on travel expenses, period, region, and patterns